Machine: 1947 Singer 66-16

Well, another vintage Singer joined the collection this week, which brings the total to four! I hadn't planned on buying another machine so soon after my 99K, but this machine is unusual, and it was so cheap... :o

So, without further ado meet Janice - a splendid and uncommon (in Australia) 1947 Singer 66-16 (sans motor) in the fashionable-at-the-time 'black side' crinkle / matte black, scratch-resistant, and low-glare finish! Machines with this finish are uncommon here because Kilbowie, Scotland normally supplied Australia, and it was less common for American machines to come to our shores.

Singer 1947 66-16.

Some of these machines are a 'blackside' series, where every piece of metal has been treated to have a black appearance. My machine doesn't have this, but I did manage to find a blackside thread guide and needle clamp, as well as a few black presser feet.

I am on the lookout for a treadle cabinet for this machine, or perhaps a wooden base that isn't too shabby.


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