Machine: 1960 Singer 320K-2 Electric #2

After several long weeks, my second 320K is finally here. My mother-in-law drove it up the coast for me, while on her latest Brisbane trip.  I was thrilled to see a zippered denim bag with feet and accessories - an unexpected bonus! I have replaced the original #173058 bobbin case with the modern modified version. The machine had a 15x1 needle fitted, but the bobbin case showed needle strikes. The modified bobbin case fits perfectly and the machine stitches like a dream!

There were the usual issues... unpleasant smells and grime, but at least the machine wasn't dry, it had been well-oiled and well-used in its life.

The original green bobbin tyre.
I cleaned the body, tension assembly, feed dogs, and hook assembly in-situ, as I didn't want to upset the timing. Much energy was expended. I was happy to see the carbon brushes still have length of about 10mm.

Linty yuck.
I've never had multiple throat plates for a machine, and I didn't know I was getting any, so this was a nice surprise.
All the throats plates, oh yes.
The two photos below show the differences in the wooden bases: the 1960 machine (320K23) has a permanent hinged table, with the extension not removable due to the fitted sliding metal support bar.
1960 320K23.
In contrast, the 1959 machine (320K2) has the regular removable slotted extension table which tucks away inside the case lid.
1959 320K2.
I'll put the 320 to use for a few sewing jobs before I tackle the wooden base refurbishment.


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