1957 201K23 Electric - Cleaning Part 2
A lot has been achieved cleaning-wise over the last week. I'm liking this machine more. I removed the motor and light, and have been concentrating on cleaning the head. THE MOTOR The motor made me nervous. I'd never seen inside a sewing machine motor before. I could find a lot of tutorials about repairing or rewiring US potted motors, and UK models, but Australian external motors are less documented. The only source I found was at Tailor or Failure, who has some good information here about disassembling the light and checking the motor. There are another two posts from Mike, one here about the female machine plug and the foot controller, and another here about cleaning and checking the main moving parts. Anyway, I looked at my wiring and compared it to what Mike showed. None of my wires were touching, or looked damaged. They just looked old. Inside the wiring cover area, hopefully not a potential deathtrap. The female machine plug was a different story. Whi...